Bobbin Lace Edging Samples

A few sample trims from my foray into bobbin lacemaking. All of these patterns are sequential lessons from the book Lessons in Bobbin Lacemaking by Doris Southard. The lessons that are easy to follow and the pacing/ordering of lessons is very well thought out. I’m so excited to get to the section with doilies.

Some parts where I strayed from the book:

  • I used a flat piece of styrofoam, and later a cookie pillow, over the roller pillows suggested to be made
  • I just did short samples of the lace edgings with single use pattern cards (tracing paper “laminated” with clear tape).
  • The scale of the patterns were 1-to-1 from the book using tracing paper, which I found was good to use with no. 30 crochet cotton.